Wednesday, June 3, 2015

creative unit pieces

symmetrical pattern
vertical strips
                                                                      circle rotation

                                                                      Hand colored
                                                              Image Overlay with Text
                                                                         Half Tone
                                                                   Double Exposure

I really loved this unit! I thought it was so cool how you could take a normal photograph and transform it to look completely different!! My favorite edit to do would have to be either double exposure or hand colored. The photograph that I think turned out the best with editing would of been the image overlays with text. The eyes turned out really neat! I absolutely adored this unit, it was a lot of fun. It's neat learning how to make your pieces unique and stand out. You're able to put your own personal twist on things that you can't do with just taking a photo.

Friday, May 15, 2015

creative unit

Halftone Screen
Colors: #9303A7 #00BF32 #FFC200

Double Exposure

Up close face portrait photo then with a full body shot over the face.
A full body shot of my mom and then my dad.
Side view of face from shoulder and up with something being poked out of their back.
The backside of a person with flowers over their hair.
Picture of my each of my friends over one another.

Image Overlays with Text

Use a photo of evergreen forest trees for the wilderness. Then a photo was someones eyes over because the song mentions seeing. Also something to go with voices.

And all of the voices surrounding us here
They just fade out when you take a breath
Just say the word and I will disappear
Into the wilderness

Should this be the last thing I see
I want you to know it's enough for me
'Cause all that you are is all that I'll ever need

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Motion Final




During this assignment I've learned a lot about how I take photos and how motion works. I learned that I need to improve the way I take my photographs. I need to constantly remember about composition, which is something that some of these photos lack. I also need to remember to make my photos more dynamic. The photos that are here and also aren't on this blog tend to be very similar. The actual motion part was harder than I thought it was going to be. The zooming part and panning were very hard for me to take. The panning hard for me because I could never get the subject fully in focus. I'm not sure if it was the technique that was hard or just trying to make the photo look half decent. I liked the idea of working with a group because we can bounce ideas off of one another or try all of our ideas. Overall I don't think the assignment was terrible, it was a little hard. but fun too. 
  Doing chrono was really fun. It was a great learning experience in photoshop. It was frustrating at times, but it was really cool to see how it developed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Motion Shooting Assignment contact sheet

Motion Planning

Blurred Subject -

To have someone jumping
Or having someone throw something.
That way we can have a clear background and something blurry in the photo too.

Panning -

Have someone running or walking, while the person with the camera follows through their motion.

Freeze Motion -

Dropping something in water
Or having a person do a movement.

Zooming -

Zoom in on an object with words, like a sign.
Or take a picture of a tree/leaf

Writing With Light -

Try to make a cloud under a person, for they look like they are floating.
Or a tic tac toe board.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Writing with Light Group Experiment

Emily Kalinay, Kacey Ford, and Caroline Fulton

   I think that this type of photography is so cool! The idea of making several random things with a phone light, glow sticks and capturing it on a camera, is amazing. I love this writing with light type of photography. Next time I do this though, I will put my shutter speed to an even higher speed if I do glow sticks again, because more color will show up in the photo. At least thats what I think will happen. I also would make sure the background is dark.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Lighting Final

Sisters are best friends that truly get to see the real you. You may try to deny it, but your best friend doesn't know everything about you. Even if you tell them everything, they don't know everything because they aren't with you forever. They don't know how you act at home, nor do they know what your parents and you fight about all the time. Now sisters are with you everyday weather you want them to be or not. They'll always know when you're having a bad day, or why you're overly happy about something before you even get to speak. My sister and I may not get along everyday, but at the end of the day when we are brushing our teeth before bed we are acting like us again, with hip bumping and silly eyebrow wiggling. Erica, my sister, is my favorite person in the world. She's always there for me and without her my life wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't be able to see her goofy skits she performs, or her latest pinterest inspired craft decorating the fridge. Erica's important to my life because everyday I get to see my best friend and we get to talk about crazy things, and she can make fun of me when I cry during movies. Without Erica, I wouldn't be the same person I am today. 

I tried to make all the photos have bright light because Erica brings light and joy to everywhere she goes. All the poses I made her do reflect her personality, or life in general. The first photo has her dancing and smiling bright,which is perfect for her because she's a dancer and loves to dance. The following one is Erica holding a collection of photos of her when she was growing up. This shows how far along she has grown and how much of a young girl she has become. The following has her with her iPad and she has that because she's always on that. It's what she uses to look at her Pinterest crafts and what she uses to binge watch on Netflix. The next one of her being goofy behind a painting she drew just shows you how creative and silly she can be. Then the last one of her being funny with her favorite minion pillow is a perfect example of how she is. She's always silly and has a slight obsession with minions from Despicable Me. 

This unit has affected my photography greatly. It's shown me that light is one of the key factors in taking a photo. Without having lighting all pictures would be dark and you wouldn't be able to make a well defined photo. Lighting has affected multiple aspects of my photos. I believe that this unit has helped me produce better photographs and will help me with future photos too.